Ha!...now people will develop the guts to stand by their mistakes and learn from them...or think twice before posting :P
Finally after more than 6 months.. I did some programming today.. Lokesh has been taking care of most of it..
The new change is that you cant delete or edit your old posts..
I have seen a lot of users change the post for god knows what reason (probably they feel ashamed of thier mistakes or dont want others to learn !!)
Now one cannot change an old post :)
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4 Answers
Pritish Chakraborty
·2010-06-01 08:13:02
Lokesh Verma
·2010-06-01 08:19:27
No pritish it is not exactly abuot that.
There are users who have deleted the question after an answer has been posted....
And that makes the user who has replied seem very stupid :P :D