why we will first find sum to n terms & substitute n=100?????/!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????/////////
we can directly find sum to 100th term.
what say ??? akshay????
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PROBABILITY of A INTERSECTION B should be zero as these are independent events
@ dimensions
we first find n terms sum,and then substitute n=100,but the options were given in terms of n,so answer it in terms of n,I got it correct too
why we will first find sum to n terms & substitute n=100?????/!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????/////////
we can directly find sum to 100th term.
what say ??? akshay????
we can also say that spring was initially unstretched & then given some velocity.it will be more general,because we don't have to specify the dir of velocity given to block
but if it was initially stretched or compressed, we have to specify the direction of velocity .........................
arey but ans should only be D
how can u expect someone to substitute n=100 on his own................
in question their is no range of n
we can also make some other equation in which if we substitute n=100 we will get the same ans...............
@ akshay
block oscillates about its mean posititon ie x=mg/k from mean position amplitude is mg/k
Q12.A and B are independent , means P(A∩B) = P(A)P(B)
P(AUB) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A∩B)
1/2 = 1/3 + P(B) - P(B)/3
which gives P(B) = 1/4
Z1 and Z2 describe two circles.After plotting them just check the maximum and minimum distance between them.
Q27. In a vertical spring mass system the block will oscillate about the equilibrium position given as Xo = mg/k...so mean value of Z will be (L+mg/k) about which it will oscillate.Now minimum value of Z will be L and max will be L+2mg/k. So option C. :D
Q29.. Easy one...continuity gives AVo = Av
v = (AVo)/a
R = v√(2H/g)
Q30. ABC
Q.44.We can see that initial value of kinetic energy is not the maximum it can go.When the kinetic energy is maximum potential energy stored in the spring is zero.So obviously initially it had some kinetic energy as seen from graph(may be due to an impulse at t= 0) and some potential energy in the spring sure , that gets converted to pure kinetic energy when kinetic energy reaches its maximum value which is greater than the initial value as given in the graph.So initially the spring had energy in form of elongation and compression and the block had some speed at t= 0. The graph makes sense in such a scenario. answer -
lol.. i dont know.. but yeah u are right.. i will give marks to those who give D as the option..
these questions are meant to be single choice questions , so we are right in our place as per instructions
ans must be none of these as we have to find the sum upto 100
& ans is given in terms of n
Sharad: PROBABILITY of A INTERSECTION B should be zero as these are independent events
check ur basics on this one!!
21: Marks have been given to those who attempted d as an option..
Q. 31 32 32 was this the case?!! I thought nothing was mentioned!
please ans these
13) kz = 0 means 0,0 wat line are y telling i dint understand
16) implies opp face are same colour and hence colouring can be done in only one way , other ways wil be kind of rotations of same combo . i feel the whole para of dice q are wrong ;)
30,31,32 thought these were single choice ones and tried hard to eliminate correct options that have exceptions
40 how to get ke of spring , q mentioned only block had v
46) doesnt top fluid have bouyant force
47) isnt ans coming to be .0156
54) wasnt mentioned that its a gaseous rxn
57) isnt T state function or parameter( im not sure....)
excuse if im wrong
13.agreed with celestine
16.agreed with celestine
40.The velocity of all points of spring is diffrent
The point fixed has 0 velocity and the one attached to the block has velocity vo,and it increases linearly from fixed end to other end
Let the length of spring be l initially,so change in velocity per unit length of spring=v0/l,so at x distance from the end velocity=v0/l x,and mass of element=m/l dx
the KE of the element shown in figure
dK=1/2 dmv2
∫dK =∫1/2 m/l dxv02/l2 x2
limits of K are,0 to K and of x are 0 to l
after integrating we get K=1/6 mv02
so total energy initially of system=1/6mv02+1/2mv02
and final energy=1/2 Kx2
so we get the answer
Hope u get it
max. would be 2mg/K,by energy conservation also or by that equation of SHM method
Q 29. how can the two answers be correct as in explanation you have given that one is correct.
Q 19) I made a typo.. I will fix it :) (I put an extra no from somewhere!)