Q 29.wrong answer given for sure
How can it have 2 ranges
I got one of the option correct,it was meant to be single option
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45 Answers
Topper : Siddharth (user id 913)
2nd : Celestine (user id 651)
3rd : Ankit Mahato (user id 693)
The answer to that one is 43.
IT is 20+20+3
The explanation is incorrect cos i had changed the question slightly at the last moment!
Q29 u have given correct ans as two of them but in explanation only one is there
Q 12. P(A intersection B) is not given. THen how is data sufficient?
@Asish.. Q29 was done by satya.. i wud rather have him answer that one...
@Akshay: Which question is this about?
Yes I too think so about Q 29.. But when satya's around I will get this fixed... I think he did a mistake in putting that option!)
again same errors
Those questions were meant to be single option
Yes akshay.. there is no doubt that there is some mistake on our side.. I will get it fixed asap...
again same errors
Those questions were meant to be single option
@dimensions! (Yeah my wrong :)
I will give marks to those that gave D as well..
Btw 25% guys got this question correctly :)
atleast they understood that 100=n ;)
but how can they understood that n=100, as option D is already present >??????????????