it can be written as 2tan-1(2x/(x2-1)) = 2pi/3
==> tan-1(2x/(x2-1)) = pi/3
==> 2x/(x2-1) = √3
==> x2 - 2x/√3 -1 =0
Product of roots = c/a = -1... r u sure it is 1?
Product of all solutions of the equatrion :
tan-1(2x/(x2-1)) + cot-1((x2-1)/2x) = 2pi/3
Ans = 1
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4 Answers
Asish Mahapatra
·2009-03-24 23:24:33
·2009-03-24 23:28:10
tan-1(2x/(x2-1)) + cot-1((x2-1)/2x) = 2pi/3
= tan-1(2x/(x2-1)) + tan-1(2x/(x2-1))
= tan-1(2x/(x2-1)) = π/3
=> 2x/(x2-1) = √3
==> x2 - 2x/√3 -1 =0
Product = -1 [50]
Lokesh Verma
·2009-03-27 03:08:38
avni .. please check the queston properly.. have you made some typo?
It seems to me that there is a very similar question possible where the answer can actually be 1!