thanx every one....n gr88 mkagenius........think ill now have to work on am gm a bit more...
If A,B,C are acute positive angles such that A+B+C=Î
and cot A cot B cot C=k,then
a) k≤1/3√3
b) k≥1/3√3
c) k<1/9
d) k>1/3
The ans is a..... but please can ny 1 giv a proper method 4 dis....
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17 Answers
it varies from person to person..........I like to use Jenson's more than AM-GM..........
Jensens th. is not frequently used by students so am gm might be the winner even when saving time is concerned...whats ur opinion?
Jensons inequality is also needed for JEE makes the job easier..........
students preparing for mathematics olympiads need to know that....i m not preparig for that...
sorry cant tell u.
but u may google it out...u really wanna knw......
Use the convexity concavity argument...
I think that will work... f(a+b/2) and {f(a)+f(b)}/2
yes that can b easily solved by am gm
tanA +tanB+tanc>=3(tana*tanb*tanc)1/3
and,tana +tanb +tanc=tana*tanb*tanc;
hence u got the ans.....
am bad wen it comes to subjective maths (not all parts but this trigonometry..) am very used to solving probs by putting angles.. bad habit.. but ... [3]
check for some values...
limiting case wen A=B=C
and then chcek for a few values whether its dec or inc from dat limiting value..
am sry if it is subjective [2]