An ellipse is described using an endless string which is passed over two pins.If the axes are 6 cm and 4 cm,the necessary length of the string and distance between them in cm are ??? Ans.6,2 5 ...
If two circles passing through the point (0,a) and (0,-a),cut each other orthogonally and touch the straight ine y=mx+c then------- Prove---c2=a2(2+m2) ...
*Image* Questions are from HCV ...
*Image* Sorry ,name of heading misprinted ...
*Image* ...
Let there be a rod of length l(in a horizontal plane).End B is given a velocity 3m/s at an angle of 60 degrees in horizontal plane(+ve direction). What is he minimum velocity of end A? Ans.1.5 m/s Please provide an explanatio ...
1.If z=reitheta,then modulus of eiz=? Ans.e-rsin theta ...
Why does not a ray get reflected in the same path of incident ray?(ie trace its original path) Both the laws of reflection holds true ,i.e.they lie in the same plane and angle i =angle r.......... ...