Can anyone tell me that is there any rule to replace several springs connected (in series or in parallel) having diff. spring const. to a single spring........ *Image* *Image* ...
Find the work done in pulling the ball from the situation shown in the figure to the topmost point of the wedge. The wedge is immovable. At the top there is a small pulley kind of a thing.. we dont have to worry about that. T ...
The balls, having linear momenta p1 = pˆi and p2 = −pˆi , undergo a collision in free space. There is no external force acting on the balls. Let p'1 and p'2 be their final momenta. The following option(s) ...
The balls, having linear momenta p1 = pˆi and p2 = −pˆi , undergo a collision in free space. There is no external force acting on the balls. Let p'1 and p'2 be their final momenta. The following option(s) ...
Why current in a ckt flows very fast though electron travel with drift velocity of few centimeters per second? Like if it is a very long wire, will switching on the circuit immediately take the current to the other end? why? ...
A disc of radius R is cut from a disc of radius 2R such that the edge of smaller disc touches the edge of original disc. What will be the centre of mass of left plate. ...
Explain what will happen in order of occurance A boat has 2 passengers. On the left is a heavy man with weight 100kg. On the right is a light person with weight 10kg. They interchange their position by walking on the boat. Ex ...
Many Blocks are placed one over the other such that some part of the upper slab hangs out of the lower one. How will you Determine the stability?? eg: assume that there are 4 blocks. each of length 1 m. The 1st block is on gr ...